• 聯繫電話


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    GMT+8 (Mon.‐Fri.) 10:30-18:30

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紐西蘭東部理工學院 Eastern Institute of Technology (簡稱EIT) 建立於1975年,是國立高等院校,擁有三大校區: 納皮爾(Napier) 校區,吉斯伯恩(Gisborne)校區,奧克蘭(Auckland) 校區。其中,納皮爾校區為主校區。納皮爾—生活環境優美,陽光充足。各國餐廳林立,咖啡館和葡萄酒莊遍佈Hawke's Bay。娛樂活動精彩紛呈理,其中包括大量的戶外冒險運動。奧克蘭—世界級的購物天堂,各類餐廳、酒吧、藝廊被美麗的葡萄園、無敵海景沙灘、原始森林和壯觀的豪拉基海灣環抱著。本校提供多元化課程,以理論結合實踐,尤其以實用性課程為主。EIT有超過10,000註冊學生。來自50多個國家的近800名國際留學生來到EIT學習英語和各專業課程。


• 國立高等院校,一類院校

• 三大校區:Napier, Gisborne, Auckland

• 設有語言中心,雅思考試中心

• 語言直升班 (NZCEL)

• 特色專業-葡萄栽培,葡萄酒釀制

• 熱門專業—護士,教育,商業,電腦,西廚

• 護士本科,碩士 — 接受英語證書 NZCEL

• 學歷授予:碩士、研究生 、學士後 、本科及各類國家大專證書



碩士學位 (Master Degrees) 1年 / 1.5年

學士後 (Graduate Diplomas) 1年

學士學位 (Bachelor Degrees) 3年/4年

大專文憑 (Diplomas) 1年/2年

證照 (Certificates) 13週/18週/22週/28週/1年






Master of Applied Management (Level 9)

Master of Information Technology (Level 9)

Master of Health Science (Level 9)

Master of Nursing Science (Level 9)

Master of Professional Creative Practice (Level 9)

Postgraduate Diploma in Applied Management (Level 8)

Postgraduate Diploma in Information Technology (Level 8)

Postgraduate Diploma in Health Science (Level 8)

Graduate Diploma in Professional Accounting (Level 7)

Graduate Diploma in Business (Level 7) 

Graduate Diploma in Information Technology (Level 7)

Graduate Diploma in Oenology (Level 7)

Graduate Diploma in Viticulture (Level 7) 

Bachelor of Business Studies (Level 7) 

Bachelor of Computing Systems (Level 7) 

Bachelor of Viticulture (Level 7)

Bachelor of Wine Science (Level 7)

Bachelor of Creative Practice (Level 7)

Bachelor of Professional Creative Practice(Honours)(Level 8)

Bachelor of Social Work (Level 7)

Bachelor of Teaching (Early Childhood) (Level 7)

Bachelor of Teaching (Primary) (Level 7)

Bachelor of Nursing (Level 7)

Bachelor of Sport & Exercise Science (Level 7)

NZ Diploma in Business (Level 5)

NZ Diploma in Cookery (Level 5)

NZ Diploma in Tourism & Travel (Level 5)

NZ Diploma in Arts & Design (Level 5)

NZ Diploma in Fashion (Level 5)

NZ Diploma in Music (Level 5)

NZ Diploma in Screen Production (Level 6)

NZ Diploma in Sport, Recreation & Exercise (Level 5)

NZ Diploma in Architectural Technology (Level 6)

NZ Diploma in Veterinary Nursing (Level 6)

NZ Diploma in Horticulture Production (Level 5)

NZ Diploma in Wellness and Relaxation Massage (Level 5)

NZ Diploma in Remedial Massage (Level 6)

NZ Certificate in Horticulture (Level 3)

NZ Certificate in Agriculture (Vehicles, Machinery, and Infrastructure) (Level 3)

NZ Certificate in Agriculture (Farming Systems) (Level 3)

NZ Certificate in Agriculture (Breeding Livestock Farming) (Level 4)

NZ Certificate in Sustainable Primary Production (Level 4)

NZ Certificate in Animal Management (Companion Animal Strand) (Level 4)

NZ Certificate in Animal Management (Veterinary Nursing Assistant Strand) (Level 5)

NZ Certificate in Cookery (Level 3)

NZ Certificate in Baking (Level 4)